Water Line Replacement Project

Water Line Improvement Project phase 1

We are pleased to announce that phase one of the Town’s project to replace older waterlines is scheduled to begin!  Construction crews will start the project on the north end of Town tomorrow morning.  They will begin on the northmost end of School Street and work south to Sycamore Street.  Please be advised that during this project driveways and right-of-way will be impacted.  There may be temporary road closures and disruption of water service between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.  We will post updates as the project progresses.  The phase one area is Marie Street, Hospital Street from Marie to Sycamore, Sycamore from Hospital Street to School Street and School Street from Sycamore north to Marie.  

The contract includes the repair of all driveways.  Plans are currently underway for a paving project that should start later this summer and be completed this year.  

We appreciate the support of our State Leaders in assisting us with obtaining grants to cover the vast majority of these projects.  We appreciate the support of our leaders in Washington, DC with the federal funds associated with these projects.  Particularly, we appreciate Representative Burnett’s tireless efforts to secure funds for our paving project.


To everyone who will be inconvenienced while we work to improve our infrastructure, we appreciate your patience and support!